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Writer's pictureMyron Yoder

July 13th Minutes - Tims Ford Council






Board Attendees: Adam Wonder, Marybeth Averill, Sally Lightner, Lois Brown, John Casey, Rick Silver,

Katie Silver, Chase Lawson

Absent: Robert Greving, Myron Yoder, Jake Davis, Amanda Edmonson

Financial Report – Submitted electronically to Board 7/6/23 by Robert Greving

Financial Report Approval – Adam Wonder presented, no questions, Sally and Adam motioned, report

was approved

May General Minutes Approval – Marybeth Averill presented, no questions, Adam Wonder and Sally

motioned, report approved

Old Business

General Meeting Recap; May 11, 2023 – Adam Wonder

Water Testing Update – John Casey. All results to date look typical, two sites are a little more

active with E Coli at this point in the season. They are Wagner Creek (Decherd water treatment

plant) and Boiling Fork (by the hospital) have more e coli than others.

The problem we will begin to see on the lake is overpopulation. Over the years the Council has

sent many letters to the governing bodies responsible for the lake expressing concerns. To date,

developed around the lake quickly, which is believed to have a long-term negative effect.

Fertilizer is the biggest problem facing the lake.

A discussion ensued about contacting the media about a good news story regarding the Councils

efforts to monitor and encourage lake cleanliness.

By-Laws Review – Submitted electronically to Board 7/4/23 by Sally Lightner

A discussion ensued over the revised draft and also reviewed Bob Greving’s comments he had

submitted electronically prior to the meeting. As a result of the discussion, Sally will present

final revisions for the by-laws by the October 12 board meeting so the final document can be

presented at the November general meeting for approval.

Sally will look for the word attendance and replace with participate if it is included.

Other Outstanding Items – All

The group discussed getting a marina person on the Board. Chase will talk with Holiday Landing.

Sally announced this will be her last board meeting. She has been a member since 2011. She

will still be an active member, just stepping down from the board.

New Business

August 10 General Meeting – Suggestions were given about speakers. With all the development

around the lake our first choice would be Beth Rhoton, City Planner to speak. Lois and Katie will reach

out to Beth and see if she can speak. If that doesn’t work out, John will present water numbers.

We also discussed inviting both mayors to the meetings. Lois will ask county mayor to be present if Beth


Plan C is to have someone from Twin Creeks present. If that becomes necessary, Lois will have Jake

contact them.

How do we get more people to the general meetings? Our local radio station has been sold and

don’t seem as receptive to advertising non-for-profit. Chase can contact three stations and have them

listed. How can we post more to Tim’s Ford 411. Another avenue might be Franklin County truth

seekers on the Facebook page.

We need to develop a written Facebook post, that can be converted to a 30 second radio spot.

We can use the door hanger as a starting point. Chase will work on taking the hangar and make it a

draw to pull people in that can be used on our Facebook page and radio stations. A hook for these might

be grandchildren, safe and fun. times.

John volunteered to put some charts together on water testing so we can post them to our

Facebook page and website.

Adam will get with Jake as the page administrator to see what we can modify to increase posts.

Fund Raising Discussion – Adam Wonder

A lively discussion was held and the following ideas were presented; Lake Poker Run, sell Boston Butts,

maybe over Labor Day. Jake has a contact if we go that route. Other ideas were T-shirt sales,

concession stand at Dry Creek Beach using Tennessee Promise kids or other, fall foliage tour outings on

boats perhaps with different themes and work through churches, etc. C

And, can we piggyback on a band playing at a marina and put up a banner and pass a hat for collections.

We have a banner we can use; we would just need permission and a few volunteers to man.

Lastly, Chase is working on a donation box to put at Holiday Landing. Adam will design something for

the cover.

Other - All

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

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