Tims Ford Council works to ensure that Tims Ford Lake remains one of the most attractive lakes in Middle Tennessee!
Tims Ford Council exists to promote and protect the quality of Tims Ford Lake and its shoreline
environ, to provide a forum for discussion, education and appropriate action concerning Lake
issues and activities, and to maintain active liaison with federal, state and local authorities,
departments and agencies.
How It Started
Tims Ford Council exists to promote and protect the quality of Tims Ford Lake and its shoreline
environ, to provide a forum for discussion, education and appropriate action concerning Lake
issues and activities, and to maintain active liaison with federal, state and local authorities,
departments and agencies.

Current Organizational Stats
Litter Control
61,000 lbs
Total litter collected (since 2009)

Lake Beautification
We've restored beaches, built public docks and much more!
Lake Monitoring
9,450 water samples
We test the lake at a microscopic level. A lot.